CSSIslamic History

Q.2 “Peace and security is the top-most priority and policy of an Islamic State. Give reasons and a comprehensive commentary on the battles fought by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).” 2017

Peace and security is indeed one of the top priorities and policies of an Islamic state, and it is deeply ingrained in the teachings of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself emphasized the importance of peace and security, and he worked tirelessly to establish a society based on justice, equality, and harmony.

The battles fought by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) were not aimed at spreading Islam by force, but rather at defending the nascent Muslim community from external aggression and persecution. The Prophet (PBUH) and his followers were subjected to numerous acts of violence and persecution in the early days of Islam, and they had to fight to defend themselves and their beliefs.

One of the most significant battles fought by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was the Battle of Badr, which took place in 624 CE. This battle was fought against the Meccan army, which was far larger and better equipped than the Muslim army. However, the Muslims were victorious, and this victory was seen as a sign of God’s support for the nascent Muslim community.

Another important battle was the Battle of Uhud, which took place in 625 CE. This battle was fought against the Meccans once again, and although the Muslims initially had the upper hand, they suffered a significant defeat. Despite this setback, the Muslims did not give up, and they continued to work towards establishing a just and peaceful society.

The Battle of Khandaq (or the Battle of the Trench) was fought in 627 CE, and it was a defensive battle fought against the Meccan army, which had come to attack Medina. The Muslims dug a trench around the city to prevent the Meccans from entering, and the siege lasted for several weeks. Eventually, the Meccans were forced to retreat, and the Muslims emerged victorious.

These battles, and others fought by the Holy Prophet (PBUH), were not fought for personal gain or to spread Islam by force. Rather, they were fought to defend the nascent Muslim community and to establish a society based on justice, equality, and peace. The Prophet (PBUH) emphasized the importance of treating prisoners of war with kindness and respect, and he forbade the killing of non-combatants and the destruction of property.

In conclusion, peace and security are indeed the topmost priorities and policies of an Islamic state. The battles fought by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) were not aimed at spreading Islam by force, but rather at defending the nascent Muslim community and establishing a just and peaceful society. The Prophet (PBUH) emphasized the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, even in times of war, and his teachings continue to inspire Muslims around the world today.

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