CSSInternational Relations-I

Q.8 The non-state actor as a military competitor is gaining ground in the Middle East with the rise of ISIS. What strategies can the United Nations and major powers implement in order to ensure peace and security in Iraq and Syria. 2017

The rise of non-state actors such as ISIS in the Middle East has posed a significant challenge to peace and security in the region. In order to address this challenge, the United Nations and major powers can implement the following strategies:

  1. Counter-terrorism cooperation:

The international community can strengthen cooperation to combat terrorism and violent extremism. This includes sharing intelligence, disrupting terrorist financing, and coordinating efforts to prevent the movement of foreign fighters.

  • Supporting regional partners:

The United Nations and major powers can provide support to regional partners in the fight against non-state actors. This includes providing military training and equipment, as well as humanitarian aid and assistance to internally displaced persons.

  • Diplomatic engagement:

The international community can engage in diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts and address the root causes of extremism. This includes supporting political negotiations and dialogue between parties, as well as promoting economic development and social inclusion.

  • Stabilization and reconstruction:

After the defeat of non-state actors, the United Nations and major powers can support stabilization and reconstruction efforts to prevent the re-emergence of violent extremism. This includes supporting the rule of law, promoting good governance, and providing assistance for economic recovery and reconstruction.

  • Addressing the underlying causes:

The international community can address the underlying causes of extremism, such as poverty, unemployment, and political exclusion. This includes promoting inclusive governance, addressing corruption, and investing in education and social services.

In conclusion, addressing the threat posed by non-state actors in the Middle East requires a comprehensive approach that includes counter-terrorism cooperation, supporting regional partners, diplomatic engagement, stabilization and reconstruction, and addressing the underlying causes of extremism. The United Nations and major powers must work together to implement these strategies in order to ensure peace and security in Iraq and Syria.

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