CSSInternational Relations-II

Q.2 What are the four essentials of Resource Management? When does a resource become an element of power “OR” a resource curse? Discuss the Reko-Diq case in this context. 2019

The four essentials of Resource Management are as follows:

  1. Identification and Classification: The first essential of resource management is to identify and classify the resources available. This involves understanding the nature, quality, and quantity of the resources and the impact they have on the environment.
  2. Allocation and Planning: Once the resources have been identified and classified, the next step is to allocate them and plan their use. This involves determining how much of the resources will be used, where they will be used, and when they will be used.
  3. Utilization and Monitoring: The third essential of resource management is to utilize the resources and monitor their use. This involves ensuring that the resources are being used effectively and efficiently, and that they are not being wasted or misused.
  4. Conservation and Sustainability: The final essential of resource management is to conserve the resources and ensure their sustainability. This involves protecting the resources from depletion, ensuring that they are not being overused or exploited, and that they are being used in a sustainable manner.

When a resource becomes an element of power, it means that it is being used to gain political, economic, or social power. This can happen when a country or region has a valuable resource, such as oil or minerals, and other countries or regions want access to it. The resource can be used as a bargaining chip, or it can be exploited to gain power over other countries or regions.

On the other hand, when a resource becomes a curse, it means that it is causing more harm than good. This can happen when a resource is being exploited in a way that is damaging to the environment or to the local communities. For example, a mining operation might cause pollution or displacement of local communities.

The Reko-Diq case in Pakistan is an example of how a resource can become a curse. Reko-Diq is a gold and copper mine in Pakistan that was discovered in the early 2000s. The Pakistani government granted mining rights to a consortium of foreign companies, but the deal was later canceled due to allegations of corruption and violations of environmental laws.

The cancellation of the deal led to a legal dispute between the Pakistani government and the foreign companies, with the companies seeking compensation for their investment in the project. The case is still ongoing, but it highlights the challenges of managing a valuable resource in a way that is sustainable and beneficial for all stakeholders.

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