CSSEnglish Essay

8. The creation of New province in Pakistan: implications far an integrated country. 2016

The creation of New province in Pakistan: implications far an integrated country. 2016


Pakistan is a diverse country with various ethnic, linguistic, and cultural groups. Historically, the question of creating new provinces in Pakistan has been a contentious issue due to its implications for the country’s political and social fabric. This essay will explore the creation of a new province in Pakistan and its implications for an integrated country.


  1. Historical background

The idea of creating new provinces in Pakistan has been a topic of debate since the country’s inception in 1947. The first proposal for the creation of a new province was put forward by the Bengali leader Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy in 1953. Since then, there have been several proposals for the creation of new provinces, such as the Hazara province, Seraiki province, and Bahawalpur province.

  • Political implications

The creation of a new province in Pakistan has significant political implications. It can potentially address issues related to the representation of underrepresented groups and their access to resources and opportunities. However, it can also lead to the marginalization of other groups and exacerbate existing ethnic and linguistic tensions. The process of creating a new province also requires significant political will and consensus-building among different political parties, which can be challenging in a polarized political environment.

  • Economic implications

The creation of a new province can have economic implications, both positive and negative. On the positive side, a new province can potentially lead to the decentralization of power and resources, which can result in more efficient and effective service delivery. It can also attract investment and create new job opportunities. On the negative side, it can lead to the duplication of administrative and bureaucratic structures, which can be costly and inefficient.

  • Social implications

The creation of a new province can have significant social implications, particularly in terms of its impact on inter-ethnic relations. It can potentially exacerbate existing tensions and lead to increased polarization and division among different ethnic and linguistic groups. It can also lead to the fragmentation of national identity and a sense of disunity among the population.

  • Implications for an integrated country

The creation of a new province can have significant implications for Pakistan as an integrated country. It can potentially strengthen the country’s federal structure by addressing issues related to representation and power-sharing among different regions. However, it can also lead to the fragmentation of the country along ethnic and linguistic lines, which can be detrimental to its unity and stability.

  • Conclusion

In conclusion, the creation of a new province in Pakistan is a complex issue with significant political, economic, and social implications. While it can potentially address issues related to underrepresented groups’ access to resources and opportunities, it can also exacerbate existing ethnic and linguistic tensions and lead to the fragmentation of the country. Therefore, any proposal for the creation of a new province must be carefully considered, taking into account its potential impact on the country’s political and social fabric. It should also be subject to a transparent and inclusive process that takes into account the views and interests of all stakeholders. Ultimately, the creation of a new province should serve the goal of promoting national unity and integration, rather than division and disunity.

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