CSSMuslim Law

Q8. Write notes on any TWO of the following: 2022

  1. The conditions of obligation(taklif)
  2. Legal capacity
  3. Kinds of capacity for acquisition

1. The States of Commitment (Taklif):

In Islamic regulation, taklif alludes to the lawful commitment put on a person with comply to the strict and legitimate obligations endorsed by Allah. The states of commitment frame the prerequisites that should be met for a person to be considered responsible and committed to satisfy these obligations. The key circumstances include:

a. Development (Bulugh): An individual high priority arrived at the time of development or lawful adulthood, which still up in the air by actual development and intellectual ability. Minors are by and large excluded from full legitimate commitments until they arrive at the time of development.

b. Mental soundness (‘Aql): The individual should be of sound brain, having the intellectual ability to figure out the nature and results of their activities. The people who need intellectual ability, like people with serious mental weaknesses or psychological instabilities, might be excluded or have altered commitments.

c. Adolescence (Rushd): Pubescence alludes to the physical and natural development of a person. A condition connotes a progress from youth to adulthood, and it frequently goes with the fulfillment of lawful commitments.

2. Lawful Limit:

Legitimate limit in Islamic regulation alludes to a singular’s capacity to go into lawful exchanges and be considered answerable for their activities. It envelops their capacity to figure out the results of their activities, give substantial assent, and take part in legitimate and legally binding connections. Legitimate limit is impacted by different elements, including:

a. Age: Age assumes a critical part in deciding legitimate limit. Minors, people who have not yet arrived at the time of development, may have restricted legitimate limit, though grown-ups are dared to have full lawful limit.

b. Mental Skill: Mental ability or sufficiency of brain is one more significant calculate deciding legitimate limit. Those with serious mental disabilities might have restricted or no legitimate limit, while people of sound brain are considered to have full lawful limit.

c. Legitimate Guardianship: In situations where people need lawful limit because old enough or mental inadequacy, lawful gatekeepers might be named to go with choices for their sake and safeguard their freedoms and interests.

3. Sorts of Limit with regards to Securing:


In Islamic regulation, there are various types of limit with regards to securing that decide a singular’s capacity to obtain and possess property or go into monetary exchanges. These limits include:

a. Lawful Limit with respect to Proprietorship: This alludes to a singular’s capacity to claim and have property. It is for the most part founded on the states of commitment, legitimate limit, and the shortfall of lawful obstructions. The individuals who meet these standards have the legitimate ability to procure and claim property.

b. Monetary Limit: Monetary limit connects with a singular’s capacity to participate in monetary exchanges, like purchasing, selling, and going into authoritative arrangements. Not set in stone by elements like lawful limit, monetary assets, and the capacity to satisfy monetary commitments.

c. Ability to Regulate Property: This relates to a singular’s capacity to oversee and direct their property. It incorporates liabilities, for example, keeping up with and using resources, settling charges, and satisfying monetary commitments related with proprietorship.

These capacities with respect to procurement assume a critical part in deciding a singular’s freedoms as well as limitations concerning property possession, monetary exchanges, and the administration of resources.

It’s essential to take note of that the particulars of these ideas and their application might shift inside various legitimate customs and wards, as Islamic regulation can be deciphered and executed in different ways.

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