
Q. No. 5. (a) Explain Arc and Cross elasticities and analyze their role in decision making by the consumers. (2018-I)

(b) Point out application of these theories; quote such examples and explain.

Q. No. 5. (a) Explain Arc and Cross elasticities and analyze their role in decision making by the consumers. (2018-I)

Understanding Arc and Cross Elasticities and Their Role in Consumer Decision Making

Elasticity measures the responsiveness of one variable to changes in another. Arc elasticity and cross elasticity are two important concepts in economics that help understand how changes in price and quantity affect consumer behavior and decision-making processes. In this comprehensive explanation, we’ll delve into the definitions of arc and cross elasticities, analyze their significance in consumer choices, and illustrate their practical applications.

Arc Elasticity:

Arc elasticity, also known as point-to-point elasticity, measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded or supplied to changes in price over a specific range. Unlike point elasticity, which calculates elasticity at a single point, arc elasticity considers changes in both price and quantity over a range, providing a more accurate measure of responsiveness.

The formula for arc elasticity is:

Arc Elasticity=Change in Quantity/Average QuantityChange in Price/Average PriceArc Elasticity=Change in Price/Average PriceChange in Quantity/Average Quantity​


  • Change in Quantity refers to the difference in quantity demanded or supplied between two points.
  • Average Quantity is the average of the initial and final quantities.
  • Change in Price refers to the difference in price between two points.
  • Average Price is the average of the initial and final prices.

Arc elasticity helps consumers understand how sensitive they are to changes in prices. If the arc elasticity of demand for a product is high (elastic demand), consumers are more responsive to changes in price, and small price changes lead to significant changes in quantity demanded. Conversely, if the arc elasticity is low (inelastic demand), consumers are less sensitive to price changes.

Role in Consumer Decision Making:

  1. Price Sensitivity: Arc elasticity helps consumers make informed decisions by assessing their sensitivity to price changes. For goods with elastic demand, consumers may wait for price discounts or promotions before making purchases to maximize their utility. In contrast, for goods with inelastic demand, consumers may be less affected by price changes and continue to purchase the product regardless of fluctuations.
  2. Optimal Purchasing Decisions: Consumers can use arc elasticity to make optimal purchasing decisions. By understanding the elasticity of demand for different products, consumers can prioritize their purchases based on their preferences and budget constraints. For example, if a product has elastic demand, consumers may adjust their consumption patterns in response to price changes to maximize their satisfaction.
  3. Budget Allocation: Arc elasticity also helps consumers allocate their budget effectively. By considering the elasticity of demand for various goods and services, consumers can allocate more resources to products with elastic demand, where small price changes lead to significant changes in quantity demanded, and vice versa.

Cross Elasticity:

Cross elasticity measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of one good to changes in the price of another good. It indicates whether two goods are substitutes or complements and helps consumers understand how changes in the price of one good affect their consumption of another.

The formula for cross elasticity is:

Cross Elasticity=Percentage Change in Quantity Demanded of Good APercentage Change in Price of Good BCross Elasticity=Percentage Change in Price of Good BPercentage Change in Quantity Demanded of Good A​

If the cross elasticity is positive, it indicates that the two goods are substitutes, meaning that an increase in the price of one good leads to an increase in the quantity demanded of the other. Conversely, if the cross elasticity is negative, it indicates that the two goods are complements, meaning that an increase in the price of one good leads to a decrease in the quantity demanded of the other.

Role in Consumer Decision Making:

  1. Substitution Effect: Cross elasticity helps consumers identify substitute goods. If the cross elasticity between two goods is positive, it indicates that they are substitutes. Consumers can use this information to switch to alternative products when the price of one product increases, thereby maintaining their level of satisfaction without significantly impacting their budget.
  2. Complementary Goods: Similarly, cross elasticity helps consumers identify complementary goods. If the cross elasticity between two goods is negative, it indicates that they are complements. Consumers can use this information to anticipate changes in the price of complementary goods and adjust their purchasing decisions accordingly. For example, if the price of printers (complementary to printer ink) increases, consumers may reduce their purchases of printer ink.

Applications in Consumer Decision Making:

  1. Purchasing Decisions: Consumers use arc and cross elasticities to make informed purchasing decisions. By considering the elasticity of demand for different products and their cross elasticity with substitutes and complements, consumers can allocate their budget effectively and maximize their utility.
  2. Brand Loyalty: Understanding arc elasticity helps consumers assess their loyalty to particular brands. If a consumer is highly sensitive to price changes (elastic demand), they may switch to alternative brands or products to save money. However, if a consumer is less sensitive to price changes (inelastic demand), they may remain loyal to a specific brand despite price fluctuations.
  3. Promotional Strategies: Businesses often use arc and cross elasticities to design promotional strategies that appeal to consumer preferences. For example, if a company’s product has elastic demand, they may offer discounts or promotions to attract price-sensitive consumers. Similarly, if two products have positive cross elasticity, businesses may bundle them together in promotional offers to encourage consumers to purchase both.
  4. Budget Management: Consumers use arc and cross elasticities to manage their budgets effectively. By understanding the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price and the relationships between different goods, consumers can prioritize their spending and make choices that align with their preferences and financial constraints.

In conclusion, arc and cross elasticities play vital roles in consumer decision-making processes. By providing insights into price sensitivity, substitution effects, and complementary relationships between goods, arc and cross elasticities help consumers make informed choices, allocate their budgets effectively, and maximize their utility. Understanding these concepts empowers consumers to navigate markets efficiently and make decisions that best suit their needs and preferences.

Application of Arc and Cross Elasticities in Real-world Scenarios:

1. Pricing Strategies:

Arc elasticity is widely used by businesses to determine their pricing strategies. For example, if a company has a product with elastic demand (high arc elasticity), it may implement a price-cutting strategy to increase sales revenue. On the other hand, if a product has inelastic demand (low arc elasticity), the company may opt for premium pricing to maximize profit margins.

Example: A clothing retailer analyzes the arc elasticity of demand for its products and finds that its basic t-shirts have elastic demand, while its branded designer jeans have inelastic demand. In response, the retailer decides to lower the prices of basic t-shirts during seasonal sales to attract more price-sensitive customers and increase sales volume. Meanwhile, it maintains higher prices for designer jeans to capitalize on the brand’s perceived value and maintain profit margins.


2. Product Development and Marketing:

Cross elasticity helps businesses identify potential substitute or complementary products, informing product development and marketing strategies. Understanding cross elasticity allows companies to anticipate changes in consumer preferences and tailor their offerings accordingly.

Example: A beverage company launches a new energy drink and analyzes its cross elasticity with other beverages in the market. It discovers that the energy drink has a positive cross elasticity with sports drinks, indicating that they are substitutes. In response, the company adjusts its marketing strategy to target consumers who may be looking for an alternative to sports drinks, emphasizing the energy-boosting benefits of its product.

3. Public Policy and Regulation:

Governments use arc and cross elasticities to inform public policy decisions and regulations, particularly in industries with significant social or economic implications. Understanding how consumers respond to price changes helps policymakers design effective interventions to achieve various objectives, such as promoting public health or reducing environmental impact.

Example: In response to rising obesity rates, several governments implement taxes on sugary beverages to reduce consumption and improve public health. Policymakers consider the arc elasticity of demand for sugary drinks to estimate the potential impact of the tax on consumer behavior. If the demand for sugary drinks is found to be elastic, a tax may lead to a significant decrease in consumption. Conversely, if the demand is inelastic, consumers may continue purchasing sugary drinks despite the tax, limiting the effectiveness of the intervention.

4. International Trade and Exchange Rates:

Cross elasticity plays a crucial role in international trade by influencing currency exchange rates and trade policies. Understanding the cross elasticity between imports and domestic goods helps policymakers assess the competitiveness of domestic industries and make decisions regarding tariffs, quotas, and currency valuation.

Example: A country’s central bank considers the cross elasticity between its domestic currency and imported goods when setting exchange rate policies. If the cross elasticity is high (indicating that imported goods are strong substitutes for domestic products), a depreciation of the domestic currency may lead to a significant increase in imports, potentially harming domestic industries. In response, the central bank may intervene in currency markets to stabilize the exchange rate and support domestic producers.


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