Business AdministrationCSS

Q. No. 8 Discuss the three common capital budgeting decision techniques with examples and formulas.

examples and formulas.

Capital Planning Choice Methods:
Capital planning alludes to the most common way of assessing and choosing long haul ventures that are in accordance with the company’s objective of abundance boost. The three most normal methods utilized in capital planning are:

  1. Net Present Worth (NPV)
  2. Inside Pace of Return (IRR)
  3. Recompense Period
  1. Net Present Worth (NPV)
    The Net Present Worth (NPV) strategy computes the contrast between the current worth of money inflows and the current worth of money surges over a task’s lifetime. It considers the time worth of cash and is a generally utilized measurement to survey whether a venture will bring about a net increase or shortfall.
Q. no. 8 discuss the three common capital budgeting decision techniques with examples and formulas.

Assume an organization is thinking about a task that requires an underlying speculation of Rs. 100,000 and is supposed to create cash inflows of Rs. 40,000 every year for a very long time. Assuming the organization’s rebate rate is 10%, we can work out the NPV.

Q. no. 8 discuss the three common capital budgeting decision techniques with examples and formulas.

The NPV would be positive assuming the current worth of money inflows is more noteworthy than Rs. 100,000. A positive NPV demonstrates that the venture is supposed to increase the value of the organization.


  • NPV > 0: The venture adds esteem and ought to be acknowledged.
  • NPV = 0: The venture makes back the initial investment.
  • NPV < 0: The venture ought to be dismissed as it lessens esteem.
  1. Inside Pace of Return (IRR):
    The Inside Pace of Return (IRR) is the rebate rate at which the NPV of a speculation becomes zero. At the end of the day, it’s the rate at which the current worth of future money inflows rises to the underlying venture. IRR is valuable for looking at changed undertakings or venture potential open doors.
Q. no. 8 discuss the three common capital budgeting decision techniques with examples and formulas.

Utilizing a similar model, in the event that the undertaking requires an underlying venture of Rs. 100,000 and will produce Rs. 40,000 every year for a considerable length of time, the IRR is the markdown rate that makes the NPV equivalent to nothing.

The estimation should be possible iteratively, and suppose the IRR is viewed as roughly 12%. This implies the undertaking is supposed to procure a 12% profit from speculation.


  • IRR > Required Pace of Return: The speculation is considered OK since it is normal to produce returns more noteworthy than the expense of capital.
  • IRR = Required Pace of Return: The task makes back the initial investment.
  • IRR < Required Pace of Return: The speculation is ugly and ought to be dismissed.
  1. Recompense Period:
    Definition: The recompense time frame estimates the time it takes for a speculation to produce incomes adequate to recuperate the underlying expense of the venture. It is a basic, time-centered measurement and doesn’t consider the time worth of cash or incomes past the restitution period.
Q. no. 8 discuss the three common capital budgeting decision techniques with examples and formulas.


  • More limited Restitution Period: Activities with more limited compensation periods are liked, particularly when liquidity is significant.
  • Longer Restitution Period: Activities with longer compensation periods are considered more dangerous in light of the fact that they take more time to recuperate the venture.
  • Nonetheless, the compensation period has constraints since it disregards the time worth of cash and doesn’t represent incomes past the restitution period.

Comparison and Summary:

TechniqueTime Value of MoneyRisk FocusDecision Rule
NPVYesConsiders risk via discount rateAccept if NPV > 0
IRRYesImplies a rate of returnAccept if IRR > required rate of return
Payback PeriodNoFocuses on liquidity riskAccept if payback period is shorter than desired
  • End:
  • NPV is the most solid strategy as it represents the time worth of cash and offers the specific benefit added to the firm.
  • IRR is helpful for looking at projects, yet it very well may be deceiving in specific circumstances (e.g., projects with non-traditional incomes).
  • Recompense Period is easy to work out and helps in liquidity arranging yet doesn’t think about the full productivity of a task.

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