Business Administration

Q. No. 3 Internal Sources of Job Candidates, Forecasting Internal Supply, and the Role of Effective Performance Appraisal.

Internal Sources of Job Candidates and Forecasting Internal Supply: The Role of Effective Performance Appraisal

Internal sources of job candidates refer to the pool of potential employees that already exist within an organization. These internal candidates can be considered for promotions, transfers, or new roles based on their performance, skills, and potential.

Internal Sources of Job Candidates

  1. Promotions:
    • Promoting existing employees to higher positions is a common way to fill job vacancies. Promotions are often based on the employee’s performance and potential for greater responsibility.
  2. Transfers:
    • Employees may be transferred from one department or location to another, allowing them to take on new roles without leaving the organization. This helps in managing manpower effectively across the company.
  3. Employee Referrals:
    • Employees can refer colleagues or themselves for open positions. This method leverages the internal network and provides opportunities for employees to move into new roles.
  4. Job Rotation:
    • Through job rotation programs, employees gain experience in different departments, developing a wider range of skills. When vacancies arise, these employees can be shifted into new roles based on their acquired experience.
  5. Internal Job Postings:
    • Organizations can use internal job boards to advertise open positions. Employees interested in changing roles or departments can apply for these positions.

Forecasting the Supply of Internal Candidates

Managers must forecast the availability of internal candidates to ensure that the organization has a ready talent pool to fill future vacancies. Forecasting the internal supply of candidates involves assessing various factors, including:

  1. Succession Planning:
    • Identifying high-potential employees who can be developed to fill key roles in the future. Succession planning helps ensure that there is a continuous flow of talent for critical positions.
  2. Skill Inventories:
    • Keeping an inventory of employees’ skills, qualifications, and experiences allows managers to assess whether internal candidates meet the requirements for open positions.
  3. Turnover Rates:
    • By analyzing employee turnover rates, managers can forecast the availability of internal candidates. Low turnover might indicate a strong internal supply, while high turnover may signal the need for external hiring.
  4. Employee Development Programs:
    • Organizations can invest in training and development programs to prepare employees for future roles. By tracking progress in these programs, managers can estimate when employees will be ready for new opportunities.

Effective Performance Appraisal of Employees

Performance appraisals are a critical tool for evaluating and forecasting the supply of internal candidates. Effective performance appraisals involve:

  1. Regular Assessments:
    • Conducting performance reviews regularly (e.g., annually or semi-annually) to monitor employees’ achievements, strengths, and areas for improvement.
  2. Objective Criteria:
    • Using clear and measurable criteria to assess employee performance. This includes meeting goals, completing projects, demonstrating leadership, and contributing to team success.
  3. Feedback Mechanisms:
    • Providing constructive feedback to employees helps them understand their performance and areas for growth. Effective feedback motivates employees to improve and develop new skills.
  4. Potential for Growth:
    • Appraisals should assess not only current performance but also potential for future roles. This helps managers identify employees who are ready for promotion or more responsibility.
  5. Training and Development Plans:
    • Based on performance reviews, managers can create individual development plans to address skill gaps and prepare employees for future roles.
  6. Promotion and Succession Decisions:
    • Performance appraisals provide valuable data for making promotion and succession decisions, helping managers identify the right internal candidates for key positions.


Internal sources of job candidates provide a cost-effective and reliable method for filling job vacancies. By promoting, transferring, and rotating employees, organizations can utilize their existing workforce to meet future needs. Forecasting the supply of internal candidates relies on factors such as succession planning, skill inventories, and employee development. Effective performance appraisals play a vital role in evaluating employee potential, guiding decisions on promotions, and ensuring that internal candidates are ready to take on new roles within the organization.

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