CSSIslamic History

Q.2 Describe the salient features of Ummayad Period. 2022

The Umayyad period was a significant era in Islamic history that lasted from 661 to 750 CE. Here are some of the salient features of the Umayyad period:

  1. : The Umayyad dynasty was the first Islamic dynasty to establish a formal empire. Under the Umayyads, the Muslim Empire expanded rapidly and conquered many lands, including parts of Spain, North Africa, and Central Asia.
  2. : The Umayyads were committed to the Arabization of the empire. They made Arabic the official language of administration, and non-Arabic speaking people were required to learn Arabic. The Umayyads also encouraged the spread of Islam, which further contributed to the Arabization of the conquered territories.
  3. : The Umayyads established a centralized government in which the caliph was the supreme ruler. The caliph was assisted by a bureaucracy that was responsible for the administration of the empire. The Umayyads also created a strong army, which helped maintain their control over the empire.
  4. : The Umayyads were relatively tolerant of other religions, particularly the People of the Book (Jews and Christians). Non-Muslims were allowed to practice their religion and were not forced to convert to Islam. However, non-Muslims had to pay a tax (jizya) and were not allowed to hold certain positions of power.
  5. : The Umayyads were known for their magnificent art and architecture, particularly the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, which is one of the oldest and largest mosques in the world. The mosque is a stunning example of Islamic architecture, with its intricate mosaics, marble columns, and soaring arches.
  6. : The Umayyad dynasty eventually fell to the Abbasids in 750 CE. The Abbasids were able to take over due to several factors, including a growing discontent among the non-Arabic speaking people in the empire and a general dissatisfaction with the Umayyad rulers.

Overall, the Umayyad period was a significant era in Islamic history that saw the establishment of an Islamic empire, the spread of Islam, and the creation of a centralized government. The Umayyads were also known for their tolerance of other religions and their contributions to art and architecture.

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