CSSInternational Relations-II

Q.3 Evaluate the strength and liabilities of “containment of world revolution policy” during the cold war. 2017

The “Containment of World Revolution” policy was a foreign policy strategy adopted by the United States during the Cold War era. The policy aimed to contain the spread of communism and prevent the expansion of Soviet influence in the world. The strengths and liabilities of this policy can be evaluated as follows:


  1. Prevented the spread of communism: The containment policy was successful in preventing the spread of communism to other countries, particularly in Europe and Asia. This helped to limit Soviet influence and prevented the establishment of communist governments in other parts of the world.
  2. Strengthened alliances: The policy of containment helped to strengthen alliances with other countries, particularly in Europe. The United States provided military and economic aid to countries like Greece, Turkey, and South Korea, which helped to prevent the spread of communism in those countries.
  3. Deterrence: The policy of containment created a deterrent effect against Soviet expansionism, and prevented the outbreak of a major war between the United States and the Soviet Union.


  1. Limited options: The containment policy limited the options available to the United States in dealing with communist regimes. The policy of containment often resulted in the support of authoritarian regimes that were hostile to democracy and human rights.
  2. Escalation: The policy of containment often led to escalation of conflicts, particularly during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. This resulted in high casualties for both sides and damaged the image of the United States as a defender of freedom and democracy.
  3. Overemphasis on military solutions: The policy of containment often placed too much emphasis on military solutions to conflicts, rather than diplomatic or economic solutions. This led to high levels of military spending and limited resources for other programs.

In conclusion, the policy of containment was a strategy that successfully prevented the spread of communism, but it had limitations and liabilities. The policy of containment often led to the support of authoritarian regimes and placed too much emphasis on military solutions, which resulted in conflicts and high levels of military spending.

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