CSSPakistan Affairs

Q.5 Write note on the post 9/11 foreign policy of Pakistan. What role do you foresee for Pakistan in regional and global politics in the near future? 2016

The post-9/11 foreign policy of Pakistan was shaped by the country’s strategic position in the region and the global war on terror. After the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, Pakistan became a key ally of the US in its efforts to combat terrorism in the region. This led to a significant shift in Pakistan’s foreign policy, with the country aligning itself more closely with the US and its allies.

Under the leadership of General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan provided crucial support to the US-led coalition in Afghanistan, including allowing US troops to use Pakistani territory for logistical purposes. Pakistan also launched a military operation against militants in its own tribal areas, which had become a safe haven for terrorist groups.

However, Pakistan’s alliance with the US also brought criticism from some quarters, particularly from Pakistan’s traditional ally, China, and from domestic Islamist groups. The US drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal areas further strained relations between the two countries.

In recent years, Pakistan has sought to diversify its foreign policy and reduce its dependence on the US. Pakistan has strengthened its ties with China, particularly through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, which is seen as a game-changer for the country’s economy. Pakistan has also sought to improve its relations with Russia, Iran, and other countries in the region.

In the near future, Pakistan is likely to continue to play a significant role in regional and global politics. The country’s strategic location and its growing economic and military power make it an important player in South Asia and beyond. Pakistan’s relationship with China is likely to continue to grow, as both countries seek to deepen their economic and strategic ties. Pakistan’s relations with the US are likely to remain complex, as the two countries have differing priorities in the region. Pakistan’s role in the peace process in Afghanistan is also likely to be important, as the country shares a long border with Afghanistan and has been involved in the conflict there for decades. Overall, Pakistan’s foreign policy is likely to be guided by a combination of regional and global factors, as the country seeks to promote its own interests while balancing its relationships with various powers in the region and beyond.

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