CSSInternational Relations-I

Q.6 Critically evaluate the US Indo-Pacific policy. Do you believe the current US strategies are aimed at containing growing economic super power China? 2020

The US Indo-Pacific policy is a comprehensive approach that aims to promote economic prosperity, security, and democracy in the region. The policy emphasizes strengthening alliances and partnerships, promoting free and open trade, and supporting the rules-based international order. While the US Indo-Pacific policy is multi-faceted, there is certainly a significant focus on China.

There is no doubt that the US views China’s rise as a major challenge to its global influence and national security. The US has expressed concerns over China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea, its military modernization, and its human rights abuses. The US Indo-Pacific policy is designed to counter China’s growing influence and check its assertiveness in the region.

However, it is important to note that the US strategy towards China is not solely focused on containment. The US recognizes that China is an important economic partner and has called for a level playing field for American businesses in China. The US has also engaged in bilateral talks with China to address issues such as trade and intellectual property theft.

Critics of the US Indo-Pacific policy argue that it is too confrontational and risks escalating tensions with China. Others argue that the policy does not go far enough in addressing the root causes of China’s rise, such as its economic policies and human rights record.

In conclusion, the US Indo-Pacific policy is a complex and multi-faceted approach that aims to promote American interests in the region while addressing the challenges posed by China’s rise. While there is certainly a significant focus on China, the US strategy towards China is not solely focused on containment. The success of the policy will depend on the US’s ability to balance its strategic interests with its economic interdependence with China and engage in constructive dialogue to address shared challenges.

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