CSSInternational Relations-II

Q.6 Discuss the “Moral Dimensions of Pakistan’s Nuclear Programme”. Explain its essential features and justify its offensive gesture which maintained the national and regional strategic balance. 2016

Pakistan’s nuclear programme has been a subject of intense debate since its inception. The programme was launched in the 1970s in response to India’s nuclear programme, which was seen as a threat to Pakistan’s security. Pakistan’s nuclear programme has been a source of pride for the country, and it is often referred to as a symbol of national prestige. However, there are also moral dimensions to Pakistan’s nuclear programme that need to be considered.

The essential features of Pakistan’s nuclear programme include:

  1. National Security: Pakistan’s nuclear programme is primarily aimed at ensuring national security. It is seen as a deterrent against any potential threats to the country’s sovereignty.
  2. Regional Strategic Balance: Pakistan’s nuclear programme is also seen as a means of maintaining a regional strategic balance. The country’s nuclear capability is considered to be a counterbalance to India’s nuclear programme.
  3. Symbol of National Pride: Pakistan’s nuclear programme is considered to be a symbol of national pride. It is seen as a demonstration of Pakistan’s technological capabilities and its ability to stand up to its adversaries.
  4. Defensive Nature: Pakistan has always maintained that its nuclear programme is purely defensive in nature. It has a “no first use” policy, which means that it will not use nuclear weapons unless it is attacked first.

The moral dimensions of Pakistan’s nuclear programme are related to the issue of nuclear weapons and their impact on humanity. Critics argue that Pakistan’s nuclear programme is immoral because it promotes the development and use of weapons that have the potential to cause massive destruction and loss of life.

However, Pakistan justifies its offensive gesture by arguing that its nuclear programme is necessary for deterrence and maintaining regional peace and stability. Pakistan believes that its nuclear capability is a means of preventing any potential aggression by its adversaries and ensuring that it is not subjected to external pressures or coercion.

Moreover, Pakistan argues that its nuclear programme is essential for maintaining the balance of power in the region. Pakistan believes that India’s nuclear programme poses a threat to its security and that its own nuclear capability is necessary to counterbalance India’s nuclear programme.

In conclusion, while there are moral dimensions to Pakistan’s nuclear programme, the country justifies its offensive gesture as necessary for national security and maintaining regional peace and stability. The programme is considered to be a symbol of national pride and a means of ensuring that Pakistan is not subjected to external pressures or coercion. While the issue of nuclear weapons remains a controversial one, Pakistan’s nuclear programme is an essential component of the country’s strategic planning and is likely to remain so in the foreseeable future.

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