CSSMuslim Law

Q3. How crimes can be classified in Islamic criminal law on the basis of rights affected? Elaborate your answer in the light of classical Muslim jurists. 2022

In Islamic criminal law, crimes can be classified based on the rights affected by the commission of the crime. Classical Muslim jurists have elaborated on this classification, which helps determine the severity of the offense and the corresponding legal consequences. Here are the classifications of crimes based on the rights affected:

1. Crimes against God’s Rights (Huquq Allah):

These crimes involve violations of acts or duties that are considered sacred in Islam. They are offenses against God’s rights and include acts such as apostasy (riddah), blasphemy (sabb al-rasul), and sorcery (sihr). Classical jurists considered these crimes as severe offenses with significant legal consequences, including punishment in some cases.

2. Crimes against Human Life and Physical Safety (Huquq al-Nas):

These crimes involve offenses against the life and physical safety of individuals. They include acts such as intentional murder (qatl), manslaughter (qatl khata), assault (hurumah), and bodily harm (jara’im). Classical jurists recognized the sanctity of human life and prescribed severe punishments for crimes that cause harm or death to others, except in cases of legitimate self-defense or justifiable circumstances.

3. Crimes against Honor and Reputation (Huquq al-‘Ird):

These crimes involve offenses against a person’s honor, reputation, or dignity. They include acts such as false accusations of adultery (qadhf), defamation (qadh al-fahish), and slander (buhtan). Classical jurists emphasized the importance of protecting an individual’s reputation and prescribed legal consequences, including penalties and compensation for harm caused to one’s honor or reputation.

4. Crimes against Property Rights (Huquq al-Mal):

These crimes involve offenses against property rights and include acts such as theft (sariqah), robbery (hirabah), embezzlement (ghulul), and fraud (ghish). Classical jurists recognized the significance of protecting private property and prescribed punishments and restitution for crimes related to theft or unlawful appropriation of wealth.

5. Crimes against Public Order and Security (Huquq al-‘Amma):

These crimes involve offenses that disrupt public order, security, or societal well-being. They include acts such as rebellion against the legitimate authority (baghy), spreading corruption (fasad), and espionage (jassasah). Classical jurists considered these crimes as threats to the stability and harmony of society and prescribed legal consequences to deter such actions.


It is important to note that the classification of crimes in Islamic criminal law is not limited to these categories. Islamic legal principles and jurisprudence continue to evolve, and modern interpretations may expand or refine these classifications to address contemporary issues and challenges while upholding the principles of justice and the protection of rights in Islam.

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