CSSPakistan Affairs

Q.3 Explain “afghans’ ownedafghans “led” solution of afghanistan crisis. 2021

“Afghans owned, Afghans led” solution to the Afghan crisis refers to the idea that the Afghan people themselves should be the ones to lead the way in resolving the conflict in their country. It means that the Afghan people should have ownership of the peace process and that they should be the primary decision-makers in determining the future of their country.

The concept of “Afghans owned, Afghans led” recognizes the importance of local ownership and participation in peace processes. It acknowledges that sustainable peace can only be achieved if the people affected by the conflict are involved in the decision-making process.

The approach emphasizes the importance of building a broad-based, inclusive peace process that involves all sectors of Afghan society, including women, youth, and marginalized groups. It calls for a participatory approach that prioritizes the views and needs of the Afghan people and communities.

In practice, the “Afghans owned, Afghans led” solution to the Afghan crisis would involve facilitating a national dialogue among all stakeholders in Afghanistan, including political leaders, civil society organizations, and the Taliban. This would enable the Afghan people to identify the key issues that need to be addressed in order to achieve lasting peace in their country.

The idea of “Afghans owned, Afghans led” has gained widespread support from the international community, including the United Nations and regional organizations such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It is seen as a crucial component of any efforts to resolve the Afghan conflict and build a sustainable peace in the region.

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