CSSPakistan Affairs

Q5. The evolution of the democratic system has always remained a dilemma in Pakistan, (20) even after passing more than seven decades of its existence democracy could not get its roots. Discuss in detail. 2023

Pakistan’s democratic journey has been tumultuous and challenging since the country’s inception in 1947. Despite the passage of more than seven decades, democracy in Pakistan has been unable to establish its roots. The following are the factors that have contributed to the dilemma of democratic evolution in Pakistan:

  1. Military Interventions: Pakistan has witnessed frequent military interventions, resulting in the suspension of the democratic process. The military has seized power several times, and this has hindered the development of democratic institutions and governance structures.
  2. Weak Civil Society: A weak civil society has also contributed to the dilemma of democratic evolution in Pakistan. The civil society is not strong enough to challenge the authoritarian tendencies of the ruling elites and to demand democratic reforms.
  3. Lack of Political Consensus: The lack of political consensus and the absence of a strong democratic culture have also hindered the evolution of democracy in Pakistan. The political parties are often divided and focused on their short-term interests rather than on building strong democratic institutions and processes.
  4. Ethnic and Religious Divide: Ethnic and religious divisions have further complicated Pakistan’s democratic journey. These divisions have led to tensions and conflicts, and have made it difficult to create a sense of national identity that is essential for a stable democracy.
  5. Corruption: Corruption is another significant factor that has contributed to the dilemma of democratic evolution in Pakistan. Corruption has eroded public trust in democratic institutions and processes and has perpetuated the concentration of power in the hands of a few.
  6. Lack of Institutional Capacity: The lack of institutional capacity has also contributed to the dilemma of democratic evolution in Pakistan. The democratic institutions are often weak and lack the capacity to implement policies and programs effectively.
  7. Economic Challenges: Economic challenges, including poverty, inflation, and unemployment, have further complicated Pakistan’s democratic journey. These challenges have created a sense of disillusionment among the population and have undermined the legitimacy of democratic institutions.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s democratic journey has been a challenging one, and the evolution of democracy has remained a dilemma. Military interventions, weak civil society, lack of political consensus, ethnic and religious divide, corruption, lack of institutional capacity, and economic challenges are some of the factors that have hindered the development of democratic institutions and governance structures in Pakistan. Addressing these challenges requires a long-term, comprehensive approach, including strengthening democratic institutions, promoting a culture of democracy, fostering economic development, and building a sense of national identity.

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