CSSInternational Relations-I

Q.6 Identify and discuss determinants of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy. 2021

Pakistan’s foreign policy is influenced by various determinants, including historical, geographical, economic, security, and domestic factors. These determinants play a critical role in shaping Pakistan’s foreign policy and determining its strategic orientation.

  1. Historical determinants: Pakistan’s foreign policy is influenced by its historical experience and relationship with other countries. Its relations with India, the United States, and China have been shaped by past conflicts and alliances. Pakistan’s foreign policy towards India is largely driven by its historical dispute over Kashmir, while its close relationship with China stems from its shared interests and history of cooperation.
  2. Geographical determinants: Pakistan’s location at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East makes it a vital regional player. Its proximity to Afghanistan and Iran, along with its long coastline on the Arabian Sea, has shaped its strategic outlook and foreign policy priorities.
  3. Economic determinants: Economic interests play a critical role in shaping Pakistan’s foreign policy. Pakistan has historically been dependent on foreign aid and investment, and its economic ties with other countries are influenced by trade, investment, and aid policies. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a prime example of how economic interests can shape Pakistan’s foreign policy.
  4. Security determinants: Security concerns are a significant determinant of Pakistan’s foreign policy. The country’s strategic environment is influenced by regional instability, nuclear weapons, and terrorism. Pakistan’s relations with the United States have been shaped by its role in the war on terror, while its relationship with India is influenced by its security concerns over India’s military buildup.
  5. Domestic determinants: Pakistan’s domestic politics and social dynamics also shape its foreign policy. Domestic factors such as the role of the military, the influence of political parties, and public opinion can all impact Pakistan’s foreign policy decisions.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s foreign policy is influenced by a range of determinants, including historical, geographical, economic, security, and domestic factors. These determinants can shift over time, and Pakistan’s foreign policy priorities can change accordingly. However, the country’s security concerns, particularly with India and Afghanistan, are likely to remain a key determinant of its foreign policy for the foreseeable future.

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