CSSEnglish Essay

7. Being a minority is a fate no one wants can nationalism be really inclusive. 2017

Introd Being a minority is a fate no one wants can nationalism be really inclusive. 2017uction

Nationalism is often associated with a sense of belonging and identity with a particular nation or culture. However, the question arises whether nationalism can truly be inclusive for minorities, who often face discrimination and marginalization. In this essay, I will examine the relationship between nationalism and inclusivity, exploring the ways in which nationalism can both include and exclude minorities.

Nationalism and Exclusion

Nationalism can be exclusionary by promoting a sense of belonging and identity based on a shared culture, language, or religion. This can lead to the marginalization of minorities who do not fit into these categories. Nationalism can also be used as a tool to justify discrimination and oppression, as seen in the rise of nationalist movements in Europe and North America that have targeted immigrants and refugees.

Nationalism and Inclusion

On the other hand, nationalism can also be inclusive, as it can provide a sense of community and belonging for all members of a nation. Inclusive nationalism recognizes the diversity within a nation and seeks to create a shared sense of identity that includes all individuals, regardless of their background. Inclusive nationalism can promote social cohesion and a sense of shared purpose, as seen in the movements for independence in India and Ghana, which sought to create a nation that was inclusive of all its citizens.

The Importance of Minority Rights

Inclusive nationalism is only possible if minority rights are protected and promoted. Minority rights include the right to equal treatment under the law, the right to participate in political and social life, and the right to preserve and promote one’s culture and identity. Without the protection of minority rights, nationalism can become exclusionary and oppressive, promoting a homogenous identity that erases the diversity within a nation.

The Role of Education

Education plays a crucial role in promoting inclusive nationalism by promoting understanding and respect for diversity. Education can teach individuals about the history and culture of minority groups, and can promote empathy and understanding across cultural divides. Education can also empower individuals to advocate for the rights of minorities and to work towards creating a more inclusive society.


In conclusion, being a minority is a fate no one wants, and nationalism can be both inclusive and exclusive depending on how it is practiced. Inclusive nationalism recognizes the diversity within a nation and seeks to create a shared sense of identity that includes all individuals, regardless of their background. Minority rights are essential for promoting inclusive nationalism, and education plays a crucial role in promoting understanding and respect for diversity. Ultimately, inclusive nationalism can promote social cohesion and a sense of shared purpose, while also recognizing and celebrating the diversity within a nation.


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