CSSInternational Relations-II

Q.2 Cold war is considered as one of the longest peace in great powers’ history. What deterministic factors ensured relative peace in great powers’ relations during the Cold War? 2018

The Cold War was a period of political and military tension between the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, from the end of World War II until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. While there were several moments of crisis and brinkmanship during this period, the fact that a full-scale war did not break out between the two superpowers is often cited as evidence of the longest peace in great powers’ history. There were several factors that contributed to this relative peace, including:

  1. Nuclear deterrence: Both the US and the Soviet Union possessed nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver them. This created a situation of mutually assured destruction, where neither side wanted to risk a nuclear war because of the catastrophic consequences it would entail.
  2. Bipolarity: The world was largely divided into two spheres of influence, with the US and its allies on one side and the Soviet Union and its allies on the other. This reduced the number of potential conflicts that could arise between great powers.
  3. Norms of behavior: There were certain norms of behavior that governed the conduct of great powers during the Cold War. For example, both sides agreed to respect each other’s spheres of influence, and there was a tacit understanding that neither side would use military force to change the status quo.
  4. International institutions: The United Nations, although not always effective, provided a platform for great powers to communicate and resolve disputes peacefully. Other institutions such as the International Atomic Energy Agency and the International Monetary Fund also helped to manage relations between great powers.
  5. Economic interdependence: The US and the Soviet Union were economically interdependent to some extent. For example, the Soviet Union relied on exports of oil and gas to the West, while the US imported critical minerals from the Soviet Union. This created a certain level of mutual dependence and made it less likely for the two sides to engage in a full-scale war.

These factors, taken together, helped to ensure relative peace in great powers’ relations during the Cold War. However, it is important to note that there were also several instances where the world came close to nuclear war, such as the Cuban Missile Crisis. The relative peace of the Cold War should not be taken for granted, and it is important to understand the factors that contributed to it in order to prevent future conflicts between great powers.

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