CSSInternational Relations-I

Q.2 Discuss the concept of “Idealism”. Explain its core perceptions and define its agenda of peace for the stability of world. 2019

Idealism is a philosophical and political theory that emphasizes the importance of ideas and ideals in shaping society and individuals’ actions. Idealism asserts that reality is fundamentally mental or spiritual in nature and that material objects are merely representations of mental or spiritual concepts. It focuses on the power of ideas and values to guide human behavior and create positive change in the world.

The core perception of idealism is that ideas, values, and moral principles are the driving forces of human behavior, rather than self-interest or material desires. Idealists believe that individuals should strive to achieve their highest potential and contribute to the betterment of society. They emphasize the importance of education, moral development, and ethical leadership in creating a just and equitable world.

Idealism’s agenda of peace for the stability of the world is based on the belief that peaceful coexistence and cooperation among nations can be achieved through the promotion of common values and the resolution of conflicts through peaceful means. Idealists argue that war and violence are ultimately self-defeating and that lasting peace can only be achieved through mutual understanding, dialogue, and compromise.

In order to achieve this agenda of peace, idealists advocate for the creation of international institutions and agreements that promote cooperation and collaboration among nations. They also emphasize the importance of diplomacy and dialogue in resolving conflicts, rather than resorting to military force. Additionally, idealists believe in the power of individual action to create positive change in the world, through activism, philanthropy, and ethical leadership.

In conclusion, idealism is a philosophical and political theory that emphasizes the importance of ideas and values in shaping human behavior and creating positive change in the world. Its core perceptions are based on the power of ideas and moral principles to guide human behavior and the importance of education, moral development, and ethical leadership in creating a just and equitable world. Its agenda of peace for the stability of the world is based on the belief in peaceful coexistence and cooperation among nations, the promotion of common values, and the resolution of conflicts through peaceful means.

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