CSSIslamic Studies

Q.2Define Ijtihad, also highlight its contemporary importance in the light of Islamic Fiqh. 2018

Ijtihad is an Islamic legal term that refers to the process of independent reasoning and interpretation of Islamic sources, primarily the Qur’an and the Hadith, to derive legal rulings in the absence of clear and specific textual evidence. It is considered an important tool for Islamic scholars and jurists to adapt to new circumstances and address the evolving needs and challenges of the Muslim community.

Contemporary importance of Ijtihad in Islamic Fiqh lies in its ability to allow Islamic scholars and jurists to apply Islamic principles and values to new and complex situations. With the changing social, political, and economic realities of the modern world, there is a need for new legal rulings that are relevant and applicable to the current context. Ijtihad provides the flexibility and adaptability necessary to address these challenges, without compromising the fundamental principles and values of Islamic law.

Furthermore, Ijtihad allows for the development of new legal rulings that are more responsive to the needs and rights of different groups within the Muslim community, including women, minorities, and marginalized groups. It can help to ensure that Islamic law is more equitable, just, and relevant to the needs of the modern world.

In summary, Ijtihad is an important tool for Islamic scholars and jurists to derive legal rulings based on independent reasoning and interpretation of Islamic sources. Its contemporary importance lies in its ability to adapt Islamic law to new and complex situations, and to promote a more equitable and just legal system that is responsive to the needs of the Muslim community.

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