CSSPakistan Affairs

Q.4 Evaluate the factional politics of the early years(1947-58) and their impact on the democratic process of Pakistan. 2022

The factional politics of the early years (1947-58) had a significant impact on the democratic process of Pakistan. The country experienced a tumultuous period characterized by political instability, frequent changes in government, and the emergence of powerful factions that vied for control.

One of the key factors that contributed to factional politics in Pakistan was the lack of a shared national identity. Pakistan was a new country created out of the partition of British India, and it was comprised of diverse ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. These differences were exploited by various factions that sought to advance their own interests at the expense of others.

Another factor that contributed to factional politics was the absence of a strong and independent judiciary. The judiciary was weakened by the introduction of the Objectives Resolution in 1949, which placed Islam at the center of the political system and undermined the secular foundations of the state.

The factional politics of the early years had a detrimental effect on the democratic process of Pakistan. Political instability and frequent changes in government undermined the credibility of democratic institutions and eroded public trust in the political system. The emergence of powerful factions also led to the concentration of power in the hands of a few, limiting the participation of other groups and individuals in the political process.

Furthermore, factional politics contributed to the marginalization of certain regions and ethnic groups, leading to feelings of disenfranchisement and alienation. This, in turn, fueled separatist movements that challenged the unity and integrity of the state.

In conclusion, the factional politics of the early years had a significant impact on the democratic process of Pakistan. It contributed to political instability, weakened democratic institutions, and marginalized certain groups and regions. Addressing these issues will require a concerted effort to build national unity and strengthen democratic institutions, including the judiciary, to ensure that all citizens have a voice in the political process.

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