Islamic StudiesCSS

Q.7 Discuss the salient features of Islamic political system in the light of governance under pious Khilafat-i-Rashida. 2016

The Islamic political system is based on the principles of justice, equality, and accountability, and is intended to provide a model for good governance. The salient features of this system can be seen in the governance under the pious Khilafat-i-Rashida, which refers to the rule of the first four caliphs in Islam.

  1. : The Islamic political system is based on the principle of the sovereignty of Allah, which means that all power and authority ultimately belong to Allah. This principle is reflected in the governance of the pious Khilafat-i-Rashida, where the caliphs ruled according to the laws and principles of Islam.
  2. : The Islamic political system is based on the rule of law, which means that all individuals, including rulers, are subject to the law. The pious Khilafat-i-Rashida was characterized by a strict adherence to the rule of law, with the caliphs being held accountable for their actions.
  3. : The Islamic political system encourages consultation and consensus-building in decision-making. The pious Khilafat-i-Rashida was characterized by a consultative approach to decision-making, with the caliphs seeking the advice and opinions of their advisors and the general public.
  4. : The Islamic political system emphasizes the principles of justice and equality for all. The pious Khilafat-i-Rashida was characterized by a commitment to justice and equality, with the caliphs working to ensure that all citizens were treated fairly and equitably.
  5. : The Islamic political system emphasizes the importance of accountability and transparency in governance. The pious Khilafat-i-Rashida was characterized by a high degree of accountability and transparency, with the caliphs being held accountable for their actions and decisions.
  6. : The Islamic political system emphasizes the importance of public welfare and social justice. The pious Khilafat-i-Rashida was characterized by a commitment to public welfare and social justice, with the caliphs working to ensure that the needs of the less privileged were met.

Overall, the Islamic political system is based on the principles of justice, equality, accountability, and public welfare. These principles were exemplified in the governance under the pious Khilafat-i-Rashida, providing a model for good governance in the Islamic tradition.

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