CSSInternational Relations-II

Q.7 Prepare a study in which you assess the possibility of settlement of the Kashmir conflict such as in the case of East Timor or Bosnian crisis? 2017

The Kashmir conflict has been a source of tension and conflict between India and Pakistan for decades. Both countries claim the region of Kashmir and have fought several wars over it. In this study, we will assess the possibility of settlement of the Kashmir conflict such as in the case of East Timor or Bosnian crisis.

East Timor and Bosnia both experienced violent conflicts that were resolved through international mediation and intervention. In the case of East Timor, a referendum was held in 1999 under the supervision of the United Nations, which resulted in the independence of East Timor from Indonesia. In the Bosnian crisis, the Dayton Accords were signed in 1995, ending the conflict between Bosnian Serbs, Croats, and Muslims.

While the situations in East Timor and Bosnia were different from the Kashmir conflict, there are some lessons that can be drawn for the settlement of the Kashmir conflict. Here are some possible steps towards a settlement of the Kashmir conflict:

  1. International mediation: The international community could play a key role in mediating the conflict between India and Pakistan. The United Nations could facilitate negotiations between the two countries.
  2. Dialogue: The two countries need to engage in sustained and result-oriented dialogue to resolve the Kashmir conflict. The dialogue should address the aspirations and concerns of all stakeholders, including the people of Kashmir.
  3. Confidence-building measures: Confidence-building measures such as cross-border trade, cultural exchanges, and people-to-people contacts can help build trust between India and Pakistan.
  4. Referendum: A referendum could be held in Kashmir to determine the aspirations of its people. This could be done under the supervision of the United Nations or a neutral third-party.
  5. Demilitarization: Both India and Pakistan need to demilitarize the region and withdraw their troops from Kashmir. This could be done gradually and in a phased manner.
  6. Regional cooperation: Both India and Pakistan need to focus on improving regional cooperation and resolving their disputes through peaceful means. The two countries could explore new areas of cooperation in trade, energy, and other sectors.

In conclusion, while the situation in Kashmir is complex and differs from the situations in East Timor and Bosnia, there are some lessons that can be drawn from the settlement of conflicts in those regions. International mediation, sustained dialogue, confidence-building measures, a referendum, demilitarization, and regional cooperation could all be steps towards a settlement of the Kashmir conflict.

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