
Q. No. 3. Explain the Lewis Model of Modern-Sector Growth in a Two-Sector Surplus-Labour Economy with graphical analysis. (2017-I)

Introduction to the Lewis Model:

The Lewis Model, formulated by Sir W. Arthur Lewis, provides insights into economic development in dual-sector economies, particularly in developing nations. It offers a framework for understanding the transition from traditional agrarian economies to modern industrialized ones.

At the heart of the Lewis Model is the concept of surplus labor, which characterizes many developing economies. In traditional agricultural sectors, there is often a large pool of underemployed or unemployed laborers who earn subsistence-level wages due to limited productivity. This surplus labor is a significant feature of the Lewis Model’s starting point.

In the Lewis Model, the economy is divided into two sectors: the traditional sector and the modern sector. The traditional sector comprises agriculture and other low-productivity activities, while the modern sector represents industrial and high-productivity sectors. Initially, the traditional sector employs a large portion of the workforce, while the modern sector is relatively small.

The key mechanism in the Lewis Model is capital accumulation in the modern sector. As investment flows into the modern sector, capital stock and productivity increase, leading to higher wages and improved living standards for workers. This process is often facilitated by foreign investment, technological advancements, or government policies aimed at promoting industrialization.

As wages rise in the modern sector, labor migrates from the traditional sector to the modern sector in search of higher-paying jobs. This migration of labor is termed as structural transformation. As a result, the surplus labor in the traditional sector diminishes over time.

The Lewis Model highlights the importance of structural transformation and capital accumulation in driving economic growth and development in dual-sector economies. It provides a theoretical foundation for policymakers to design strategies for promoting industrialization, increasing productivity, and reducing poverty. However, critics also note potential challenges such as income inequality, environmental degradation, and social dislocation associated with rapid industrialization based on the Lewis Model.

Dual-Sector Economy:

A dual-sector economy is characterized by the coexistence of two distinct sectors: a traditional sector, typically centered around agriculture or low-productivity activities, and a modern sector, which encompasses industries with higher productivity and technological advancement. This economic structure is prevalent in many developing countries undergoing industrialization and structural transformation.

The traditional sector in a dual-sector economy often employs a significant portion of the labor force but operates with low levels of productivity and technology. Agriculture is a common component of the traditional sector, where subsistence farming or small-scale agricultural activities predominate. Workers in the traditional sector tend to earn low wages and experience limited opportunities for economic advancement.

In contrast, the modern sector represents industries characterized by higher levels of productivity, capital intensity, and technological innovation. These industries typically include manufacturing, services, and other sectors that benefit from technological advancements and economies of scale. The modern sector often attracts labor from the traditional sector due to higher wages and better working conditions.

The dual-sector economy framework highlights the disparities between the traditional and modern sectors in terms of productivity, income levels, and access to resources. It illustrates the process of economic development as labor transitions from the traditional sector to the modern sector, leading to structural transformation and overall economic growth.

One of the key features of a dual-sector economy is the presence of surplus labor in the traditional sector. Surplus labor refers to the situation where there is an excess supply of labor relative to the demand for labor at prevailing wage rates. This surplus labor pool often serves as a driving force behind structural transformation and industrialization, as it provides a source of labor for the expanding modern sector.


Overall, the dual-sector economy model provides valuable insights into the dynamics of economic development, structural transformation, and labor market dynamics in developing countries. It underscores the importance of policies and investments aimed at promoting productivity growth, technological innovation, and inclusive development to facilitate the transition from a traditional to a modern economy.

Capital Accumulation in the Modern Sector:

Capital accumulation in the modern sector refers to the process by which investment and the accumulation of physical and human capital occur in industries characterized by higher productivity and technological advancement. This accumulation of capital is a crucial driver of economic growth and development in dual-sector economies.

  1. Investment in Physical Capital: Capital accumulation involves the acquisition and deployment of machinery, equipment, infrastructure, and other physical assets in the modern sector. Investment in physical capital enhances the productive capacity of industries, leading to increased output and economic growth. Industries in the modern sector often require significant capital investment to adopt advanced technologies and improve production processes.
  2. Technological Advancement: Capital accumulation is closely linked to technological progress and innovation in the modern sector. Investments in research and development (R&D), technology transfer, and skill development contribute to the adoption of new technologies and the improvement of production methods. Technological advancements enable industries to produce goods and services more efficiently, leading to higher productivity levels and competitiveness.
  3. Human Capital Development: In addition to physical capital, capital accumulation in the modern sector also involves investments in human capital, such as education, training, and skill development. A skilled and educated workforce is essential for leveraging advanced technologies, driving innovation, and increasing productivity in modern industries. Human capital investments enhance the quality of the labor force, leading to higher wages, improved living standards, and overall economic development.
  4. Productivity Growth: Capital accumulation in the modern sector contributes to productivity growth, which is essential for sustaining long-term economic growth and improving living standards. Increased capital investment leads to higher output per worker, allowing industries to produce more goods and services with the same amount of input. Productivity gains in the modern sector spill over to other sectors of the economy, driving overall economic growth and structural transformation.
  5. Impact on Employment: While capital accumulation in the modern sector enhances productivity and economic growth, it may also impact employment dynamics. Investments in automation and technology adoption can lead to labor displacement in certain industries, necessitating workforce transitions and retraining programs. However, capital accumulation also creates new job opportunities in high-skilled and technology-intensive sectors, contributing to overall employment growth and economic development.

In summary, capital accumulation in the modern sector plays a central role in driving economic growth, technological progress, and structural transformation in dual-sector economies. It represents investments in physical and human capital that enhance productivity, innovation, and competitiveness, ultimately leading to improved living standards and economic prosperity.

Structural Transformation:

Structural transformation refers to the process by which an economy undergoes significant changes in its sectoral composition, production techniques, and employment patterns. It typically involves a shift of resources, such as labor and capital, from traditional, low-productivity sectors to modern, high-productivity sectors. This transformation is a fundamental aspect of economic development and is often associated with improvements in living standards, increased productivity, and sustained economic growth. Structural transformation can be observed in various dimensions:

  1. Sectoral Shifts: One of the primary manifestations of structural transformation is the reallocation of resources between different sectors of the economy. In many developing countries, this involves a transition from agriculture-dominated economies to industrialized or service-oriented economies. As labor and capital move from agriculture to industry and services, the share of GDP contributed by these sectors changes accordingly.
  2. Technological Progress: Structural transformation is closely linked to technological advancements and innovation. As economies modernize, they adopt new technologies and production techniques that increase productivity and efficiency across sectors. This technological progress drives productivity growth, which is a key driver of structural transformation.
  3. Labor Market Dynamics: Structural transformation affects employment patterns and labor market outcomes. As economies evolve, employment shifts from low-productivity, labor-intensive sectors to higher-productivity, capital-intensive sectors. This transition often involves the movement of workers from rural to urban areas and from informal to formal employment arrangements.
  4. Income Distribution: Structural transformation can have implications for income distribution within an economy. While it may lead to overall economic growth and higher average incomes, it can also exacerbate income inequality, especially during the early stages of development. The benefits of structural transformation may accrue disproportionately to those with access to education, skills, and capital, leading to widening income disparities.
  5. Policy Implications: Governments play a crucial role in facilitating structural transformation through policies that promote investment in human capital, infrastructure, and innovation. Effective policies can accelerate the pace of structural transformation and ensure that its benefits are widely shared. However, policymakers also need to address challenges such as labor market dislocations, social protection, and environmental sustainability.

In summary, structural transformation is a complex and multifaceted process that involves fundamental changes in the composition and organization of an economy. While it presents opportunities for economic development and progress, it also poses challenges that require careful management and policy intervention. Understanding the dynamics of structural transformation is essential for policymakers, businesses, and individuals seeking to navigate the complexities of modern economies.

Graphical Analysis:

Graphical analysis of structural transformation typically involves the use of production possibility frontiers (PPFs) and sectoral shift diagrams to illustrate the changes in sectoral composition and production possibilities over time. Here’s how a graphical analysis of structural transformation might be presented:

  1. Production Possibility Frontier (PPF):
    • The PPF represents the maximum output combinations of two goods that an economy can produce given its resources and technology.
    • Initially, the PPF may be biased towards the production of traditional goods, such as agriculture, reflecting the economy’s reliance on low-productivity sectors.
    • As the economy undergoes structural transformation, the PPF shifts outward, indicating increased production possibilities resulting from productivity gains and resource reallocation to higher-productivity sectors.
  2. Sectoral Shift Diagram:
    • A sectoral shift diagram illustrates the movement of resources (e.g., labor and capital) between sectors of the economy over time.
    • Initially, the diagram may show a larger proportion of resources allocated to the traditional sector (e.g., agriculture) and a smaller proportion to the modern sector (e.g., manufacturing or services).
    • As the economy transforms, the diagram depicts a shift of resources from the traditional sector to the modern sector, reflecting the reallocation of labor and capital towards higher-productivity activities.
  3. Transformation Path:
    • A transformation path represents the trajectory of the economy’s movement from an initial state to a more advanced state characterized by structural transformation.
    • This path may be illustrated by a series of points on the PPF, showing the economy’s progress over time as it expands its production possibilities and shifts resources towards more productive sectors.
  4. Income and Output Changes:
    • Graphs may also depict changes in income levels and output shares across sectors as structural transformation occurs.
    • Rising income levels and increasing output shares in the modern sector indicate the economy’s progress towards higher levels of development and industrialization.
  5. Policy Interventions:
    • Graphical analysis can also incorporate the impact of policy interventions on structural transformation, such as investments in education, infrastructure, and technology.
    • Policy-induced shifts in the PPF or sectoral shift diagram illustrate how targeted interventions can accelerate the pace of structural transformation and enhance economic growth.

By employing these graphical tools, economists can visually represent and analyze the process of structural transformation, helping policymakers and stakeholders understand the dynamics of economic development and plan effective strategies for promoting growth and prosperity.

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