CSSMuslim Law

Q2. The Quran provides Legal validity to other Primary Sources; when a principle is laid down in the Quran, the rest of the Sources of Islamic Law cease to be effective. Discuss. 2023

The Quran is considered the primary source of Islamic law and it provides the framework for understanding Islamic principles and values. When a principle is stated in the Quran, it takes precedence over all other sources of Islamic law and must be followed. This is because the Quran is considered the word of God, and its provisions are considered to be divine and timeless.

Other sources of Islamic law, such as the Hadith (the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad), ijma (consensus of the Islamic community), and qiyas (analogical reasoning), are secondary sources and are used to supplement and clarify the provisions of the Quran. However, if a principle is already stated in the Quran, these secondary sources do not have the same legal validity and cannot override the provisions of the Quran.

In other words, the Quran has a supreme authority in the Islamic legal system and its provisions must be followed even if they conflict with other sources of Islamic law. This principle is based on the belief that the Quran is a source of divine guidance and its provisions are absolute and unchangeable.

It is important to note that the interpretation and application of Islamic law is complex and can vary depending on the context and the jurist’s interpretation. Nevertheless, the Quran remains the primary source of Islamic law and its provisions take precedence over all other sources.

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