CSSPakistan Affairs

Q6. Joining the US-led coalition in the war against terrorism has many short and long Joining term repercussions for Pakistan. 2023

Pakistan’s decision to join the US-led coalition in the war against terrorism after the 9/11 attacks has had both short-term and long-term repercussions for the country. Some of the major implications are:

Short-term repercussions:

  1. Security Concerns: Pakistan’s decision to join the US-led coalition in the war against terrorism has made the country more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Militant groups have retaliated against the government, military, and civilians in response to the country’s decision to cooperate with the US.
  2. Economic Cost: Pakistan’s economy has suffered as a result of its decision to join the war on terrorism. The country’s GDP growth rate declined, foreign investment decreased, and the country faced higher inflation rates and increased unemployment.
  3. Political Instability: The decision to join the US-led coalition has also created political instability in the country. The government’s decision has been criticized by some political parties and civil society groups, leading to protests and demonstrations.
  4. Diplomatic Isolation: Pakistan’s decision to join the war on terrorism has led to diplomatic isolation. Some countries, including Iran, China, and Russia, have opposed Pakistan’s decision and have been critical of the country’s role in the war.

Long-term repercussions:

  1. Terrorism: Pakistan’s involvement in the war on terrorism has created a breeding ground for terrorism. Militant groups have used the war as a justification for their activities and have exploited the country’s political instability to carry out attacks.
  2. International Relations: Pakistan’s involvement in the war on terrorism has strained the country’s relations with some of its key allies, including the US. This has made it more difficult for the country to develop partnerships and alliances with other countries.
  3. Radicalization: The war on terrorism has also contributed to the radicalization of some segments of Pakistani society. Some Pakistanis view the US-led war as an attack on Islam and have become more sympathetic to extremist ideologies.
  4. National Identity: Pakistan’s involvement in the war on terrorism has also had an impact on the country’s national identity. The country’s decision to cooperate with the US has been perceived by some as a betrayal of the country’s Islamic identity and its commitment to the Muslim world.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s decision to join the US-led coalition in the war against terrorism has had both short-term and long-term repercussions for the country. The decision has created security concerns, economic costs, political instability, and diplomatic isolation in the short term. In the long term, it has contributed to terrorism, strained international relations, radicalization, and impacted the country’s national identity. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on strengthening democratic institutions, promoting economic development, and addressing the root causes of terrorism.

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