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July 9, 2023

Q8. Fill in the Blanks.

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

Q7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

Q6. Discuss the obstacles in the way of good governance in Pakistan. In your view what steps can be taken to achieve the goal of good governance?

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

Q5. Separation of East-Pakistan, though a tragic part of History of Pakistan, was not the negation of Two-Nation theory.” Discuss.

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

Q4. The location of Pakistan has given the strategic strength to the State. What are its physical features and narrate its advantages and disadvantages?

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

Q3. The Ulema of Nadwah attempted to make a synthesis of modernism of Aligarh and conservatism of Deoband in their syllabus. Discuss.

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

Q2. We need “Friends not Masters”. Critically evaluate Pakistan’s likely relations with United States of America after its withdrawal from Afghanistan.

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

Q1. Compare and contrast the role of ECO and SAARC for the regional connectivity and stability.

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

Q7. Select the correct answer of the following: 2022

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

Q6. Suggest the causes of intellectual decline of the Muslim Ummah in the present day and the measures to be taken to address them.

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

Q5. Keeping in view the true teaching of Islam, discuss in detail as to what should be the salient features of foreign policy of any Islamic country?

June 22, 2023
Past Papers PMS

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